Out of the many challenges that an Army Wife faces, the most heart-breaking and difficult is the separation from the Soldier Husband! Spending months away from each other is way difficult than it sounds. Waking up in the middle of the night, all alone on the bed, is a feeling hard to describe.
“Everyone told me Field-Postings would be tough, you’ll have to live alone, manage the house and the children! But no one told me, how tough it would be standing there alone and see him going away. I know I signed up for this, but every time he leaves, he takes a piece of my hear with him!”
Staying in an SF,, it transforms you, Completely!
But like always, an Army Wife will surprise you. For her there is nothing which is ‘too difficult to be done’. No doubt staying in a Separated Family Accommodation is not easy, but she takes that too in her stride and makes this stay an experience in itself, not just for herself but her Fauji husband and her children.
Mrs. Janhavi Desai
The Proud fauji wife feels, “The decision to stay in SF is generally due to husband’s posting to a Non Family Station or for your children’s education. Mine was for the former. The one thing that I learnt rather quickly was not to expect too much from others apart from the basic facilities available. Being independent is the only option one has. To take things head on and manage every day jobs, I had to relearn driving, deal with MES, make travel reservations, speak to local unit officers for emergencies, the list is unending. But I must say that the one and half years at SF made me rock strong. When we are with our husbands we are pampered and there is a sense of security, but when we are away the roles reverse, its then on us to give them the security that we are okay. My husband too got the satisfaction that his wife could mange the home front which helped him concentrate all the more on serving the nation and do his duties as an Army officer . A closer bond with other ladies in SF helped both in emergencies as well as provided company in lonely times. I will recommend all ladies to experience SF life at least once, it brings out a Better, Stronger and Smarter You”!
The Honeymoon is never-ending
It has been rightly said that Faujis are always on a honeymoon. The distance that the couples have between them keeps the excitement and eagerness alive. There is nothing as exhilarating as the thought of seeing him, hugging him and being with him after so long. Its something like ‘falling in love’ and meeting your lover all over again and when you know you are together just to be away again, you give your best to your relationship. This is the kind of love which is called Army love
Mrs. Sunaina Aiyappa
A young mother of a 16 month old cute munchkin, is managing everything pretty confidently. She says, “Living away from my better half has its cons but has its pros more! The good part of living in a SF is that It makes you more independent and gives you the power to take decisions. The worst part is just the distance! But like they say, distance makes the heart grow fonder. We make memories when we meet, and when we are apart we relive and replay those memories until we meet again! After all falling for a Man in Uniform comes with consequences”
Living and loving the SF
Mrs. Chandni Singh
But then there is another side to living alone. The fun side. My neighbour and a fellow Army Wife, has a different take on all this altogether. She says, “When my husband went to field just after 38 days of our wedding, I was devastated. I was living with my in-laws and felt so lost. I often wondered if I had made a mistake marrying a fauji. I’m an army brat, so I was supposed to understand all that, but being an army wife is so different than being an Army Brat! I remember crying myself to sleep on so many lonely nights! But now, 18 years, 5 postings 2 kids and 2 dogs later, I guess I’m now finally a well established Army Wife. He is away on a field posting again, and its not very bad. Rather, not bad at all! The best part is I have the whole bed to myself. I’m no longer required to attend late night Army Parties I don’t wish to. No ladies meet, and the only Welfare I’m doing these days, is my own. I have lots of time for myself and I make full use of it and spend it with people who are close to me! Its now the poor husband who calls up and asks, “Yaar tum kitni busy ho, phone hi nahi karti”? And it is him who feels lost when he comes home, with every thing running smoothly and in a routine, he feels that his field tenure should be over soon as he feels, “Tum log to kuch zyada hi independent ho rahe ho”!
So once again the Army Wife wins it hands down! Bring on anything and she knows how to deal with it, with her confidence, strength, positivity and grace!
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If you are a military lover than you must read one of the most romantic Army romance of all times by clicking this link Soldier’s Girl : Love Story of a Para Commando
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